Pit Filler - Red Clover Seeds

Pit Filler - Red Clover Seeds

A 3 - 4 year silage mixture with aftermath grazing

Sow: March - September

Rate: 33kg/ha

  • Ingredient Weight
    ABERDART Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (Diploid) 2kg
    ASTONENERGY Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (Diploid) 2kg
    ABEREVE Hybrid Ryegrass 5kg
    Red Clover 3kg


A 3 - 4 year silage mixture with aftermath grazing.

  • High yielding with high sugar grass content.
  • Excellent aftermath grazing for lamb finishing
  • Contains red clover for increased protein content

Sow: March - September

Rate: 33kg/ha