2 Year Legume Fallow with Grass Mixture

2-year Legume Fallow with Grass Seeds

A legume and flower rich mixture designed to provide an excellent food source to beneficial pollinators and farmland wildlife.

CS Option: AB15 / GS8

Sow: August - September

Rate: 30 - 40kg/ha

  • Ingredient Percentage
    Late Perennial Ryegrass 66%
    Red Clover 15%
    Winter Vetch 10%
    Birdsfoot Trefoil 7%
    Yarrow 1%
    Oxeye Daisy 1%


A legume and flower rich mixture designed to provide an excellent food source to beneficial pollinators and farmland wildlife.

  • 2 year autumn sown legume fallow
  • Ideal for countryside stewardship and reducing blackgrass when used in an arable rotation
  • For agreements that started on or before 1st Jane 2020

CS Option: AB15 / GS8

Sow: August - September

Rate: 30 - 40kg/ha