Frequently Asked Questions

A page dedicated to the questions we hear the most, from 'When do I sow my grass?' to 'What can I drill to provide forage for my cows during winter?' If you can not find what you're looking for then please drop us an email with your question and we will endeavour to respond as soon as possible.

  • Grass

  • Amenity Grass can be sown between March and September. Ensure grass is watered in the early stages of establishment if weather is dry.

    Agricultural Grass can be sown in the spring or autumn when soils are warm and moist.

  • Amenity Grass - 35-50g/m2

    Agricultural Grass - 14kg/ac

  • To maintain a healthy lawn, make sure your grass gets at least an inch of water every 3 days, mow it once a week, and fertilize it every 8 weeks during the growing season. Also, check your sprinkler system to make sure it's distributing the water evenly across your lawn.

  • Wildflowers

  • 100% Wildflower mixes: March - June

    20% Wildflower / 80% Grass: March - May and August - September

  • Wildflowers require lots of warmth, sun and moisture.

    For a100% wildflower mix, sow seed sparingly (2g/m2) in a sunny spot. Cover lightly with soil and water. Keep the soil moist until the plants are well established.

    For a 20% wildflower / 80% grass mix, sow at 3-5g/m2
    in a sunny spot. Cover lightly with soil and water. Keep the soil moist until the plants are well established. Mow in the first year to improve establishment.

  • Forage Crops

  • Stubbles turnips can be utilised 12 - 14 weeks after sowing.

    Introduce livestock gradually over a few weeks to give their stomachs time to adjust to the high energy, easy to digest fodder.

    Always ensure they have access to water, minerals and a good source of fibre, like hay, in the field.

  • Sow between March and April at a rate of 100,000 seeds/ha.

  • Game Cover

  • Brassicas grow rapidly and can be sown until July, after the main gamecover drilling window. They are frost tolerant and are capable of providing cover well into the later winter months. Some options below can be sown as straights or within a mix.




    Brassica Hybrids

    Fodder Radish


  • Look at the species within your game cover mixture and ensure those species are approved on the product label of your chosen herbicide.

    Some multi specie mixes are herbicide tolerant but you should always check with a BASIS qualified adviser before applying your herbicide.

  • Catch & Cover Crops

  • There are two main crop types you can sow to improve your soil structure.

    Deep tap rooting species such as Radish, Brown Mustard, Lucerne, Forage Rape, Berseem Clover and Vetch are excellent at breaking soil compaction and providing channels to aerate the soil.

    Fibrous rooting species such as White Mustard, Phacelia, Buckwheat, Clover, Black Oats, Rye and Grass are excellent for improving top soil structure by creating many root channels in the top 4 inches of soil.

    The last group of species are those that have the ability to establish rapidly. These create large amount of biomass in a short space of time which can then be incorporated back into the soil to improve organic matter content.

  • There are two optimal times to sow catch and cover crops. In the spring or autumn.

    This gives them enough time to establish and/or fix nitrogen before they are terminated the following season or year.

  • Environmental & Stewardship

  • There are many different options within the Countryside Stewardship agreement that can be sown. Each option in the agreement has a code which you can then use on our website to filter to the mixtures that are compatible.

  • All of the mixtures on our website come with a breakdown of ingredients that are within each mix. This way you get to see exactly what you are buying and can ensure you have the right mix for you.

  • Fertilisers & Other

  • Lawn fertiliser can be bought in a granular or liquid form. There are many different types of fertiliser that contain varying amounts of compounds. Doing this means that you can now buy fertilisers for different soil types and plant types that can be applying in the spring or autumn.

Speak to one of our seed experts on 01480 270287 or browse our product range online.